She also runs the Little Blog of Letting Go, a site dedicated to suicide prevention, support for depression and grief, and encouragement for everyone.
1. Tell us a
bit about yourself. What do you do apart from writing?
I am a wife,
insurance agent, and mother to two children, three dogs, one tortoise, four
rats, and one ant colony. I live near Seattle, Washington and apart from caring
for my family, taking care of my insurance customers, writing and blogging, my
interests are suicide prevention, reading, camping, anything to do with Star
Trek, white water rafting, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and archery.
2. You published your debut novel last April. Letting Go is a touching story of regrets and redemption, with the added bonus of having a paranormal twist. In a few more words, how would you describe it?
2. You published your debut novel last April. Letting Go is a touching story of regrets and redemption, with the added bonus of having a paranormal twist. In a few more words, how would you describe it?

In my efforts to
prevent suicide, all proceeds will be donated to the National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline. 1-800-273-8255 www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org. Help is available 24/7 for those in crisis.
3. Would you mind telling us why and how you wrote the novel? I imagine it must have been a very difficult emotional experience for you. What message do you have for readers?
3. Would you mind telling us why and how you wrote the novel? I imagine it must have been a very difficult emotional experience for you. What message do you have for readers?
The book was
originally written for my teenage daughter, who began struggling with
depression and thoughts of suicide the past few years. In her struggle to
understand her own depression, she kept asking me about Dan’s death. Although
very young when he died, she loved him very much and had a difficult time
understanding his sudden loss. As she grew older, and began to realize what
happened, her questions became more pointed. Letting Go first began as my way of explaining to her an
unexplainable act.
One of the main
characters, and the one readers seem to love the most, Tar, was not a figment
of my imagination. My daughter told me about talking to Dan’s friend. She told
me Dan wasn’t up in heaven with God, but with his friend, Tar, who was dead
too. That night – after watching Galaxy
Quest about five times in a row – I had a dream about Tar, which probably
explains why he looked like Alan Rickman to me!
My goal with Letting Go is to both prevent suicide
and help survivors understand why people become suicidal. I also want to help
all people gain a better understanding of the grieving
After Dan died,
the people in my life were, for the most part, uncomfortable around me due to
the circumstances of his death. They also did not understand my grief, nor did
I. The grief and isolation I experienced was so profound that it almost led me
to commit suicide myself. I want others to be able to recognize and anticipate
the intricacies of depression, grief, and suicidal behavior.
I wanted to show
a real portrayal of profound grief, because I think many of us have never
really seen it. The grief-stricken often hide it away from their loved ones, as
I did.
4. Are you
working on any new writing projects?
I have started
writing a Fantasy book, and must admit, it’s been much more enjoyable writing
it than Letting Go. Writing Letting Go took an emotional toll on me,
and I’m having fun with my new venture. But, it’s a long way from being
finished, I better get something new up on Critique Circle soon!
5. Do you have any advice on how to tackle
loss and guilt?
It’s a strange
irony, but the people who love you the most, often are incapable of providing
you with the support you need. If you are struggling with grief of any kind, my
main advice to you is to find a support group. A suicide survivor group, grief
support group, or any kind of group that focuses on the kind of loss you are
experiencing. People grieve over more than just the death of a loved one.
Divorce, loss of a job, growing elderly, the list goes on. Try Meetup.com,
check the resources page of my blog, or just google what you’re in need of.
If you are
feeling suicidal – get help, reach out, realize that treatment is available.
Depression is not a weakness, it’s a disease like any other. Please get the
help you need!
6. Do you
have any advice for new authors? Is there anything you would have done
My main piece of
advice is to stop dreaming about it and start doing it! I put it off for years
because it just seemed like a pipe dream. If you want to write a book, then
start doing it - right this very minute. You don’t have to know a damn thing
about writing, that’s a myth. I knew absolutely nothing about it when I
started. I just pulled out a piece of paper and began, “Once upon a time…”
My second piece
of advice is join a writer’s group and an online critique group. You can find a
local writer’s group through Meetup.com, and I highly suggest Critique Circle
for the online group. Along that vein, when a critiquer gives you advice –
take it! Especially if you keep hearing the same advice from multiple sources.I
learned everything I know about writing from the wonderful groups and fellow
authors, like you! You truly helped me become what I am proud to now call
myself – an author. Thank you, Nadine!
Thank you very much for the interview, Carrie! Good
luck with Letting Go!
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!