As they mention on their website:
"It is designed to help any writer or author who is curious about the ins and outs of Indie publishing. You'll find everything from the pros and cons of Indie publishing, essential aspects in creating a high-quality book, successful online marketing, and expanding into international markets.
However, ALL authors and writers are invited, because we will cover topics all of you may want to know more about, such as marketing and boosting sales. So there's sure to be something for everyone."
Sounds like a deal to me! All you have to do is sign up for the conference through email on their website, and you'll receive updates on the conferences and even enter to win prizes.
I've had a look at their schedule and I must say it's very ambitious. The conferences will cover everything from the basics of pricing and distributing the book, to editing quickly, marketing and even opening up to international markets (as I quoted above). I'm especially excited about the sessions on marketing, since my book is currently being professionally edited and I'm about ready to learn about the whole marketing scheme. I don't have a clue. IndieReCon, you'll help me, right?
What's best about IndieReCon (apart from being online and free) is that all the materials will be available after the conferences have ended, so if you miss something or can't make it to a particular session, you know everything will still be waiting for you.
I already signed up and marked the date on my calendar. I'll see you there!
Thanks for spreading the word, Nadine. I signed up :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's going to be GREAT! I can't wait. Even jotted down the date on my home calendar. I'm particularly interested in all the marketing seminars. The best part is that it's just in time too, since I'm planning to publish around March or April!
DeleteSee you at IndieReCon!
I have sort of half-heartedly tested the water with a free short story and short Novella, but I do have something coming up that I was thinking about self-publishing in a more serious way. What I’m writing will never get a main-stream audience, so this sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteGarry, and how are your short story and novella doing?
DeleteSee you at IndieReCon!
It's funny, I posted about this today too:-) (www.writing4two.blogspot.com). My co-blog contributor is also reading a couple of books you've blogged about lately; we must be running into the same things:-) I'm interested to hear how your editing process goes, please share if you are willing as that's my next step!
ReplyDeleteNice! I haven't heard of this one before, and generally try to stalk the online writing community (both trad. and indie).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up. I intend to check this out.
It sounds great! Now that I'm pretty much done with Serving Time, I'm going to try to get myself up to date with all the online resources!